Hair stylists and salon professionals are notorious for having close, personal relationships with their clients. Even if you have just met a hairdresser for one visit, you may have found yourself sharing personal information about your life, your family and your work which you would not disclose to your doctor or your neighbor even. An article in today's New York Times highlights how hairdressers seem to be more aware than other professionals about violence and abuse happening to their clients. Partly this is because of what their clients share with them, but also because a hairdresser may find bruises, burns or other injuries hidden in the scalp, a place abuser's harm because it is not as visible as other parts of the body. A nationwide initiative to educate hairdressers about how they can identify and help victims of domestic violence, called Cut It Out, has already trained over 40,000 salon professionals across the country. Here is their video about the problem:
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